Blue Ribbon Blog

Welcome to the Iowa State Fair Blue Ribbon Foundation’s blog!

We are a non-profit organization with a mission to raise funds for the renovation and preservation of the historic Iowa State Fairgrounds. Since our inception in 1993, the Foundation has raised more than $200 million through individual contributions, state appropriations, in-kind services, and corporate, federal and state grants.

Please follow our blog to learn more about our organization.

Concerts on the Fairgrounds

November 30, 2012
allysonkrull's picture

So this blog post I've decided to spare you a long recruitment plea about summer internships, but I can't go on without a reminder. Internship applications are due in a month (December 31), so make sure you get those turned into Jenna and don't miss out on the opportunity! Ok- with that out of the way, it's time to talk concerts! Mark your calendar for February 2 to see Fair favorite "Hairball" in the Richard O. Jacobson Exhibition Center!

Tickets went on sale today for Hairball, the 80s rock impersonation act which will highlight the performance styles of Guns n’ Roses, Whitesnake, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Ozzy, AC/DC, Journey, Poison and more. Crowds pour in to see this act during the Fair, and now you have a chance to see them in the off-season...for only $15! If you're interested in tickets, be sure to get them in advance to save yourself some cash. For more information or to purchase tickets, please click here.

Speaking of concerts, we're already planning for the 2013 Fair and don't want you to miss out on getting great seats to your favorite grandstand show(s)! Fan Fair is a yearly membership program that allows you to purchase tickets to the concert(s) of your choice before tickets are released to the general public. For each $150 donation you make toward the program, you are allowed to purchase two grandstand tickets early for the 2013 Fair's grandstand lineup. For more information about Fan Fair 2013 and how to join, check out the webpage. Donations must be made by March 1, 2013 to be used for the 2013 lineup; donations received after this date will apply to Fan Fair 2014.

Be sure to get your concert fill this year, whether it is by attending the Hairball concert in February or joining Fan Fair for the 2013 Fair concerts!

Sowing the Seeds

November 20, 2012
robintaylor's picture

Today I was out scouting the Fairgrounds for pinecones to use for a holiday event the Foundation is hosting. As I was searching out evergreens, I ran across Bob and Cindy who are the Fair's full-time groundskeepers. They were out in an area between Pioneer Hall and Grandfather's Barn clearing out a patch of dogwood brush, mullberries and other assorted volunteer plants. They each had a pickup loaded with branches and it wasn't the first load or two from the area. While the weather is nice, Bob and Cindy are working hard to get the grounds put to bed for the winter - trimming trees, planting bulbs, thinning out grasses and transplanting plants. There are over 400 acres of beds, bushes and trees to keep up with. During the summer months they do have several additional workers to help with planting, watering and weeding and an entirely different crew mows, but during the rest of the year it's just the two of them.

As the Fair's official gardener, Bob is the person we consult for our Trees for the Fair programs and the man responsible for figuring out how all the annual beds will be planted each year. If you look closely, you'll notice that he tries to coordinate many of the beds with the colors that are featured in the Fair's logo. In 2011 he had the butter cow done in marigolds and this year there was an ice cream cone of vinca featured in the bed at Little Hands on the Farm. Wonder what he might come up with for the 2013 "Happiness Is...." theme?  I know the challenges I face in keeping my gardens at home in shape and remembering what I planted where so I can't imagine keeping track of the entire Fairgrounds. And I don't have to contend with a million people coming in and walking all over it during the month of August. My hat goes off to them for keeping our big park in such great shape!

Attention College Students

November 16, 2012
allysonkrull's picture

As we get ready for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I think back to college when we used to get the whole week off! I'm grateful for the two days in the working world, but a week?! That would be great! Though, come to think of it, I have more than enough to keep me busy here at work as I prepare to be gone for maternity leave in just a few short weeks.

Well, for all of you lucky college students who get next week off, you should really start thinking about what your plans are for this summer. No, it's not too early to start thinking about jobs and internships. In fact, the deadline for our internships is approaching quickly and by the time you squeeze final exams and classes, you might not have time to apply in the end of December. So, get started now. Take a few hours next week during your time off and update your resume, polish up some writing samples (and design samples if you have them) and apply for the Foundation's internships!

For more information about what we offer and how to apply, check it out here on our website. If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Jenna. We look forward to receiving your application and hopefully in person for an interview. Applications are due December 31...don't miss out on this great opportunity!

Family 5K Fun

November 5, 2012
robintaylor's picture

Yesterday we hosted the 6th annual Fairgrounds 5K Fun Run and Walk on the Iowa State Fairgrounds. While the skies were overcast the temperature was in the upper 40s, which isn't bad for a November day. We had over 400 people signed up for the race -either 5K, walk or kids' run. Though that number was down from last year, the people that came out had a good time. I particularly enjoyed watching the families, especially those with young children participating in the Chase the Cow Kids' Run.  And kudos to our "cow" runner, Hailey. It's not an easy task to run with little kids while you're wearing a cow costume!

What made my day is being able to have my children help with the event too. Bryce, my 5 year-old, arrived with me at 8:00 a.m. to help put out the directional signs and stock refreshments. Alex, age 3, arrived later with my husband. Both road with me on the "sag wagon" during the race and then helped take down signs and clean up afterward. It's nice to have them participate, learn about volunteering and work that is fun; just being part of a team working together toward a common goal. And I wasn't the only one with my kids helping, quite a few of our volunteers were family groups of one kind or another. So, mark your calendar for next year's Fairgrounds Fun Run and Walk, set for November 3, 2013 and make it a new family event, whether you run, walk or volunteer.


Other Duties as Needed

October 29, 2012
robintaylor's picture

When I started with the Foundation back in September 1999, I hadn't realized how beneficial my hobby of gardening and landscaping was going to be. With a small staff, we wear many different hats to make sure that everything gets done. So, in late October of that year, my co-worker Amy and I journeyed from our downtown office out to the Fairgrounds to lay bricks with the help of John Cruse, a gentleman brick-layer through and through. Yes, the engraved bricks have been put in place by the Foundation staff, with an occasional assist from Maintenance. Definitely not a normally requested skill for an office job. Now, I have quite a few years under my belt and know some of the intricacies of coaxing a brick from a pad in order to put in a newly engraved brick.  And, I now know which brick pads I like to work on and which ones I try to avoid at all costs.  Each of the locations have their own personalities in how they seem to cooperate - Cattle, Maytag, Ag are easy whereas Pella Plaza, the Pavilion and Administration are ones I like to avoid.

It's always fun in the summer to introduce the interns to this tradition as I'm sure it's not a skill they anticipated learning when they applied for an internship. In the summer we will have several hundred bricks to place, so it truly takes a divide and conquer approach with several "teams" working a full day at it.  At this time of year, we have 50-75 bricks so it's a much less time consuming task.  So, today Allyson and I divided up the bricks, tools and sand and enjoyed a few peaceful hours out on the grounds.  I have a few more to finish up tomorrow afternoon as I had a few uncooperative locations so I will get to enjoy another nice Fall afternoon at "work" on the Fairgrounds.


October 24, 2012
jennabeary's picture

A gentleman came into the office today to purchase some merchandise, and in casual conversation mentioned that the 2013 Iowa State Fair was 287 days away. At first, I was stunned at this comment. It felt like the 2012 Iowa State Fair ended just days ago - not over two months ago. 287 days seems like an eternity right now, although I do know that it will go much quicker than anticipated.

The other thing that struck me about this comment was that someone (besides Iowa State Fair staff) had a countdown going when the 2013 Fair was still 10 months away. The holiday season is right around the corner, and most people are talking about Thanksgiving, Christmas and all that entails. To think that amongst all of the excitement and anticipation that the holiday season provides, some people looked past that and have a countdown until August 8, 2013, confirms what I already know to be true. Our State Fair really is the best State Fair. 

For those of you that are counting down to the holidays as well as the 2013 Iowa State Fair, don't forget about the Iowa State Fair merchandise that is available year round at the Foundation that can be purchased here. I, like you, am counting down until Christmas and starting to think about the gifts for all of my loved ones. We have a great selection of Fair themed gifts for all of those Fair lovers in your life. And as I experienced today, they are as excited as ever for 2013!

Blue Ribbon Internships

October 19, 2012
allysonkrull's picture

As I've been working on my fall to-do list here at work, it has me thinking back to five years ago when I was an intern with the Foundation. I've recently posted the internship description to recruit new hires for next spring and summer and remember how excited I was about the opportunity when I applied, and even more ecstatic after I was hired and had experienced it first hand. For someone who has a terrible memory, I remember a lot of that summer - how much I learned, the new friends I made, and of course, how much fun I had.

We are taking applications for one spring/summer intern and two full time summer interns. As a Foundation intern, you get to experience the Fair behind the scenes as well as many other opportunities I don't think you can find at every job. Work is divided up among the interns but you have the opportunity to coordinate and schedule 500+ volunteers, head a state-wide recognition program (Iowan of the Day), work with our executive director on donor relation projects, and help plan a party/fundraiser (the Corndog Kickoff) for nearly 1,500 people! The best part is, in our small office, we are a tight knit group and we really let the interns take ownership of their projects. While a lot of work and responsibility, it's a wonderful experience for any college student looking for a great summer internship.

A couple of events I'm working on right now include our annual Fairgrounds 5K that will take place in just a few short weeks, and also our holiday party we have each December. I remember attending and helping with both of these events after my internship was over; I couldn't get enough. Speaking of the 5K, be sure to sign up this weekend to receive the discounted entry fee. Starting Monday, registration will go up to $25. Either way, the money goes toward to a great cause so we hope you can join us on November 4th!

I couldn't find any photos of us from that summer, but I did find a couple from other Blue Ribbon events I mentioned above. Our group of interns grew really close that summer and while we don't talk regularly, I still consider them friends and will never forget our summer together. Brooke is missing from the photos below, but our group consisted of four college girls- Tara, DeEtta, Brooke and myself.

Tara, DeEtta and myself helping at the very first Fairgrounds 5K in 2007.


Interns at the 2007 Blue Ribbon Foundation holiday party!


If you're a college student, or you know of one that might be interested, please pass thing opportunity along - we are always looking for good help! And as I'm sure many of the interns before and after me can attest, it's an amazing experience!

A Different Perspective

October 16, 2012
robintaylor's picture

This past Saturday my husband and I attended Farmstasia, the gala/auction that Living History Farms conducts each fall to raise funds for their education and outreach programming. I have been a volunteer at Living History Farms since 1993 when I joined their interpretive ranks. As I married and had a family, my ability to volunteer two full weekend days a month changed so now I try to help with special events. This is my second year of involvement with Farmstasia, serving on the planning committee and helping with the auction packaging, set-up and check-out.  It's kind of a busman's holiday as I get to do something I really enjoy without the pressure of coordinating the event.

I am the only non-LHF staff or board member on the committee and, at the event, there are only a handful of volunteers, otherwise it is all a staff effort. Only in it's fourth year, Farmstasia makes me think of what the Corndog Kickoff was at its start. While there was a committee that helped with the planning, the actual event was run by the staff with a handful of volunteers.  My how we've grown! While offering help wherever needed, trying to be as flexible as possible in my volunteer role, I was reminded how fortunate the Foundation is to have such a strong core of volunteers for the Kickoff, Fair and 5K. When you ask us, "Hey, I'm done with this project, what else can I do to help?" that willingness to just pitch in is very much appreciated. I know that in the frazzle of getting an event off the ground I don't always show that appreciation or find that next task but the ask and the help is very much appreciated and doesn't go unnoticed.

So, from one volunteer to another - "Thank You!" Your help is a key factor in our success

New Route

October 12, 2012
allysonkrull's picture

As temperatures cool and the leaves begin falling off the trees, it has me hoping the warm weather will stick around just a little longer. Each fall, I need the winter weather to hold off until at least after the first weekend in November. Why? The Fairgrounds 5K, of course! The past three years we have been blessed with beautiful weather and large attendance and I'm hoping for the same again this year.

I've been organizing the 5K for the past month or so, and in doing this, we decided it was time to change up the route again. While much of it will be the same, the direction and some of the Fairgrounds you see this year will be a little bit different. Also, for the walkers, don't worry, your route has also been changed and is much more scenic than last year! Check out the new route!

Early registration for the race ends October 21, so be sure to sign up before then if you want the discounted rate. Otherwise, you can sign up before the 31st and last chance is the day of the race. It's a great time, reason to get off the couch on a fall Sunday and the money goes toward a great cause. Not a runner? No problem! We've got a one mile walk and a kids' run to entertain the whole family!

I'll keep my order in for great weather and we'll see you in a few short weeks!




October 9, 2012
robintaylor's picture

The past two days have been spent enjoying conference rooms A & B in the Varied Industries Building. While the scenery could be improved, as could the comfort of the chairs, the reason for being there was a good one. The Fair Board, CEO and staff from the administration offices and maintenance were there to discuss programming ideas for 2013 and future Fairs plus planning for capital improvements.

For both, we were divided into random groups of seven (each including two Fair Board members). For the programming task we were to come up with ideas for areas such as competitive events, ag. education, special events, marketing, the Foundation and concessions. All ideas were valid as it was a chance to throw out ideas and see what might stick. Some things that came up were new food competitions for concessionaires to create a "wow" item each year, what we might try and bring to Kid Zone, expanding ag education into horticulture, adding in more free demonstrations, new entertainment venues, youth contests, garage band contests.....lots and lots of ideas. From there each group narrowed their list to a top five which we compiled with the others. Now there is a "new" list of considerations to look into as possiblities for next year's Fair and those in the future.

With the capitals, we'd already done legwork on this starting in 2010 by coming up with a wish list that was compiled by all the departments. We've tackled some of those already with elevators in the Cultural Center, rewiring in the Sheep Barn and paving the lot west of the 4H Building to name a few. We went through the list again to divide them out into short term (complete by next year's Fair), intermediate (2-4 years) and long term (5+ years). It’s interesting to see how opinions vary across departments. Maintenance looks at deterioration and hours needed to maintain a facility, interim events looks at rental potential and competitive events considers how many head of livestock can be housed and contest scheduling. Generation of income, visitor safety, Fair-goer experience and historical value are all part of the evaluation process.  Many questions are raised with no definitive answers. When finished, the Board has a list of recommendations to utilize as they allocate funds for capital projects needed in both the short and long term. Unfortunately the Fair hasn't won a $200 million lottery jackpot as that would make these hard decisions on where limited funds would go very easy - we'd just do it all!

It’s planning sessions like these that underline the importance of developing an endowment fund. No matter how much we might ignore it, the future does become the present and, if there is no long term preparation, our goals are not accomplished. The mission of the Blue Ribbon Foundation is to renovate and restore the Iowa State Fairgrounds. We’ve accomplished a lot but know there is much left to be done. This will take careful planning and a long term vision to make sure that the work continues and the improvements are maintained.  With your assistance, and maybe some planning of your own, we can work together to steward the renovation of the Iowa State Fairgrounds, preserving a wonderful summer tradition for generations to come.
