Off and Running!

May 30, 2012
Intern's picture

Well, volunteer registration forms for this year’s Fair were sent out the middle of last week. I have already had about 200 forms returned and they just keep coming! I don’t think I have ever had so much mail addressed to me at one time! The past few days here in the office have been spent opening letters, recording names & addresses, and scheduling lots of volunteers for all ten days of the fair.

Have you gotten your volunteer forms sent in yet? Shifts are beginning to fill up and the schedule is starting to come together! Also, remember that the registration is also available here on the website. Just check the bottom left hand corner of the home page. The master schedule will be available the first part of July for you to check your shifts and contact me with any questions via email or by phone 515-262-3111 ext. 679

The weather here in Des Moines is fantastic and the fairgrounds are getting more and more prepared for the Fair each day! Only 70 days left until those gates open and the best ten days of the summer begin. Make sure you are signed up to be a Blue Ribbon Foudation volunteer for one of the top-ranked Fairs in the county. Nothing Compares!