A Little Corndog Kickoff Preview

June 3, 2015
Intern's picture

Hello all!

By this point, it’s pretty obvious that the Corndog Kickoff is something to look forward to each year. I don’t know if I can emphasis that point any more than I already have. But that’s definitely not going to stop me from trying to push my point even farther.

It probably helps that I work in the place where this is all coming together. That means the other interns and I have been getting to see auction items, proof read the program and auction booklet and help think up ways to connect items for baskets. Basically, we have an all-access pass to all (well, most) things Corndog Kickoff. And because I want people to know how great the event is going to be, I get to share a couple previews with everyone.

There are a lot of really cool items available for both live and silent auction. One of my favorites is actually several different items. Karen Brockelsby created tons of Iowa State Fair themed pillows. No matter your favorite part of the Fair, you can find a pillow that would perfectly accentuate your interests. Love camping in your RV? There’s a pillow for that. (Pictured below). Dreaming of working Butter Cow security? There’s a pillow for that too. Did you notice last year’s Fairground banners and wish you could have taken them home with you? I have just the pillow for you, or rather I have three.

What’s even better is that these items are often mixed in with bigger packages. You get an original, one of a kind pillow to commemorate your love of the Fair and other great items to go right along with it. Make sure to come support the Blue Ribbon Foundation and the Iowa State Fair at the Corndog Kickoff and bid on all your favorite pillows. Try to find them all!

Have a great day,
